Skype and Kazaa had changed the net. How?
I remember Niklas Zennstrom , the mastermind behind Kazaa and Skype, when i read about him at BBC Click Online and discussed how his two inventions came about, and how broadband and wireless devices are shaping his vision for the future. Niklas Zennstrom's software inventions had provoke an explosion in file swapping technology in the world and still there are few people in the world who can claim to have invented something that captured the imagination of hundreds of millions of people. But this man has done it twice. It all started while he was working for the European low cost Telco Tele 2 in the mid-1990s, where he met his friend and colleague Janus Friis , his co-founder of Skype and Kazaa , the world’s most downloaded software, responsible for the most popular software that underpins the FastTrack file sharing network protocol. It was on March 2001, when the duo had created Kazaa and were cashing in on the file-swapping boom kicked off by Napster , a music file P2P porta...